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更新: 2016年12月6日

roff2x (1)


roff2x - transform roff code into x mode


roff2x [groffer_option...] [--] [filespec...]
roff2x -h | --help
roff2x -v | --version

The  options -v and --version print the version information of the pro-
gram to standard output and exit.  The options -h and  --help  print  a
usage  information  of the program to standard output and stop the pro-
gram instantly.

All other options are assumed to be groffer options.  They  are  inter-
nally  passed  to  groffer.  They override the behavior of the program.
The options are optional, they can be omitted.

The filespec arguments correspond to the filespec arguments of groffer.
So they are either the names of existing, readable files or - for stan-
dard input, or the name of a man page or a groffer(1) man  page  search
pattern.   If  no filespec is specified standard input is assumed auto-


roff2x(1)                   General Commands Manual                  roff2x(1)

       roff2x - transform roff code into x mode

       roff2x [groffer_option...] [--] [filespec...]
       roff2x -h | --help
       roff2x -v | --version

       The  options -v and --version print the version information of the pro-
       gram to standard output and exit.  The options -h and  --help  print  a
       usage  information  of the program to standard output and stop the pro-
       gram instantly.

       All other options are assumed to be groffer options.  They  are  inter-
       nally  passed  to  groffer.  They override the behavior of the program.
       The options are optional, they can be omitted.

       The filespec arguments correspond to the filespec arguments of groffer.
       So they are either the names of existing, readable files or - for stan-
       dard input, or the name of a man page or a groffer(1) man  page  search
       pattern.   If  no filespec is specified standard input is assumed auto-

       roff2x transforms roff code into X  mode  corresponding  to  the  groff
       devices  X*;  this mode is suitable for gxditview(1).  Print the result
       to standard output.

       There are more of these programs for generating other formats  of  roff

              is for dvi mode.

              generates html output.

              outputs pdf mode.

              prints PostScript format to standard output.

              generates text output in the groff device latin1.

       See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:

       |Availability   | text/groff       |
       |Stability      | Uncommitted      |
       groff(1),    groffer(1),    roff2dvi(1),   roff2html(1),   roff2pdf(1),
       roff2ps(1), roff2text(1), gxditview(1).

       This file was written by Bernd Warken <groff-bernd.warken-72@web.de>.

       Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

       This file is part of groffer, which is part of groff, a  free  software
       project.   You  can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
       the GNU General Public  License  as  published  by  the  Free  Software
       Foundation, either version 2, or (at your option) any later version.

       You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
       with groff, see the files COPYING and LICENSE in the top  directory  of
       the  groff  source package.  Or read the man page gpl(1).  You can also
       write to the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin St  -  Fifth  Floor,
       Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

       This   software   was   built  from  source  available  at  https://ja-
       va.net/projects/solaris-userland.  The original  community  source  was
       downloaded from  http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/groff/groff-1.22.2.tar.gz

       Further information about this software can be found on the open source
       community website at http://www.gnu.org/software/groff/.

Groff Version 1.22.2            19 August 2015                       roff2x(1)