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更新: 2016年12月6日

swift-dispersion-populate (1)


swift-dispersion-populate - OpenStack Swift dispersion populate


swift-dispersion-populate  [--container-suffix-start] [--object-suffix-
start] [--container-only|--object-only] [--insecure] [conf_file]


OpenStack Swift                                   swift-dispersion-populate(1)

       swift-dispersion-populate - OpenStack Swift dispersion populate

       swift-dispersion-populate  [--container-suffix-start] [--object-suffix-
       start] [--container-only|--object-only] [--insecure] [conf_file]

       This is one of the swift-dispersion utilities that is used to  evaluate
       the  overall  cluster health. This is accomplished by checking if a set
       of deliberately distributed containers and  objects  are  currently  in
       their proper places within the cluster.

       For  instance,  a  common deployment has three replicas of each object.
       The health of that object can be measured by checking if  each  replica
       is  in  its  proper  place. If only 2 of the 3 is in place the object's
       health can be said to be at 66.66%, where 100% would be perfect.

       We need to place the containers and objects throughout  the  system  so
       that  they  are  on  distinct partitions. The swift-dispersion-populate
       tool does this by making up random container  and  object  names  until
       they  fall on distinct partitions. Last, and repeatedly for the life of
       the cluster, we need to run the swift-dispersion-report tool  to  check
       the health of each of these containers and objects.

       These  tools  need  direct access to the entire cluster and to the ring
       files.  Installing them on a proxy server will probably  do  or  a  box
       used  for  swift  administration purposes that also contains the common
       swift packages and ring.  Both swift-dispersion-populate and swift-dis-
       persion-report  use  the  same  configuration  file, /etc/swift/disper-
       sion.conf . The account used  by  these  tool  should  be  a  dedicated
       account for the dispersion stats and also have admin privileges.

              Allow  accessing  insecure  keystone server. The keystone's cer-
              tificate will not be verified.

              Start container suffix at NUMBER and resume population  at  this
              point; default: 0

              Start  object  suffix  at  NUMBER  and resume population at this
              point; default: 0

              Only run object population

              Only run container population

              Only run object population

              Increase coverage by amount in dispersion_coverage  option  with
              no overlap of existing partitions (if run more than once)

       Example /etc/swift/dispersion.conf:

          auth_url =
          auth_user = dpstats:dpstats
          auth_key = dpstats
          swift_dir = /etc/swift
          # dispersion_coverage = 1.0
          # retries = 5
          # concurrency = 25
          # endpoint_type = publicURL

       $ swift-dispersion-populate
        Created 2621 containers for dispersion reporting, 38s, 0 retries
        Created 2621 objects for dispersion reporting, 27s, 0 retries

       More  in  depth  documentation about the swift-dispersion utilities and
       also OpenStack Swift as a whole  can  be  found  at  http://swift.open-
       stack.org/admin_guide.html#cluster-health     and    http://swift.open-

       See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:

       |Availability   | cloud/openstack/swift |
       |Stability      | Uncommitted           |
       swift-dispersion-report(1), dispersion.conf(4)

       This    software    was    built    from    source     available     at
       https://java.net/projects/solaris-userland.    The  original  community
       source        was        downloaded        from          http://launch-

       Further information about this software can be found on the open source
       community website at http://www.openstack.org/.

OpenStack                          8/26/2011