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更新: 2016年12月6日

mysql-test-run.pl (1)


mysql-test-run.pl - run MySQL test suite


mysql-test-run.pl [options]


MYSQL-TEST-RUN()                                              MYSQL-TEST-RUN()

       mysql-test-run.pl - run MySQL test suite

       mysql-test-run.pl [options]

       The mysql-test-run.pl Perl script is the main application used to run
       the MySQL test suite. It invokes mysqltest to run individual test
       cases. (Prior to MySQL 4.1, a similar shell script, mysql-test-run, can
       be used instead.)

       Invoke mysql-test-run.pl in the mysql-test directory like this:

           shell> mysql-test-run.pl [options] [test_name] ...

       Each test_name argument names a test case. The test case file that
       corresponds to the test name is t/test_name.test.

       For each test_name argument, mysql-test-run.pl runs the named test
       case. With no test_name arguments, mysql-test-run.pl runs all .test
       files in the t subdirectory.

       If no suffix is given for the test name, a suffix of .test is assumed.
       Any leading path name is ignored. These commands are equivalent:

           shell> mysql-test-run.pl mytest
           shell> mysql-test-run.pl mytest.test
           shell> mysql-test-run.pl t/mytest.test

       As of MySQL 5.1.23, a suite name can be given as part of the test name.
       That is, the syntax for naming a test is:


       If a suite name is given, mysql-test-run.pl looks in that suite for the
       test. With no suite name, mysql-test-run.pl looks in the default list
       of suites for a match and runs the test in any suites where it finds
       the test. Suppose that the default suite list is main, binlog, rpl, and
       that a test mytest.test exists in the main and rpl suites. With an
       argument of mytest or mytest.test, mysql-test-run.pl will run
       mytest.test from the main and rpl suites.

       To run a family of test cases for which the names share a common
       prefix, use the --do-test=prefix option. For example, --do-test=rpl
       runs the replication tests (test cases that have names beginning with
       rpl).  --skip-test has the opposite effect of skipping test cases for
       which the names share a common prefix.

       As of MySQL 5.0.54/5.1.23/6.0.5, the argument for the --do-test and
       --skip-test options allows more flexible specification of which tests
       to perform or skip. If the argument contains a pattern metacharacter
       other than a lone period, it is interpreted as a Perl regular
       expression and applies to test names that match the pattern. If the
       argument contains a lone period or does not contain any pattern
       metacharacters, it is interpreted the same way as previously and
       matches test names that begin with the argument value. For example,
       --do-test=testa matches tests that begin with testa,
       --do-test=main.testa matches tests in the main test suite that begin
       with testa, and --do-test=main.*testa matches test names that contain
       main followed by testa with anything in between. In the latter case,
       the pattern match is not anchored to the beginning of the test name, so
       it also matches names such as xmainytestz.

       To perform setup prior to running tests, mysql-test-run.pl needs to
       invoke mysqld with the --bootstrap and --skip-grant-tables options (see
       Typical configure Options[1]). If MySQL was configured with the
       --disable-grant-options option, --bootstrap, --skip-grant-tables, and
       --init-file will be disabled. To handle this, set the MYSQLD_BOOTSTRAP
       environment variable to the full path name of a server that has all
       options enabled.  mysql-test-run.pl will use that server to perform
       setup; it is not used to run the tests.

       The init_file test will fail if --init-file is disabled. This is an
       expected failure that can be handled as follows:

           shell> export MYSQLD_BOOTSTRAP
           shell> MYSQLD_BOOTSTRAP=/full/path/to/mysqld
           shell> make test force="--skip-test=init_file"

       To run mysql-test-run.pl on Windows, you'll need either Cygwin or
       ActiveState Perl to run it. You may also need to install the modules
       required by the script. To run the test script, change location into
       the mysql-test directory, set the MTR_VS_CONFIG environment variable to
       the configuration you selected earlier (or use the --vs-config option),
       and invoke mysql-test-run.pl. For example (using Cygwin and the bash

           shell> cd mysql-test
           shell> export MTR_VS_CONFIG=debug
           shell> ./mysqltest-run.pl --force --timer
           shell> ./mysqltest-run.pl --force --timer --ps-protocol

       If you have a copy of mysqld running on the machine where you want to
       run the test suite, you do not have to stop it, as long as it is not
       using ports 9306 or 9307. If either of those ports is taken, you should
       set the MTR_BUILD_THREAD environment variable to an appropriate value,
       and the test suite will use a different set of ports for master, slave,
       NDB, and Instance Manager). For example:

           shell> export MTR_BUILD_THREAD=31
           shell> ./mysql-test-run.pl [options] [test_name]

       mysql-test-run.pl defines several environment variables. Some of them
       are listed in the following table.

       |Variable         | Meaning                    |
       |MYSQL_TEST       | Path name to mysqltest     |
       |                 | binary                     |
       |MYSQLTEST_VARDIR | Path name to the var       |
       |                 | directory that is used for |
       |                 |                 logs,      |
       |                 | temporary files, and so    |
       |                 | forth                      |
       |MYSQLD_BOOTSTRAP | Full path name to mysqld   |
       |                 | that has all options       |
       |                 | enabled                    |
       |MASTER_MYPORT    | ???                        |
       |MASTER_MYSOCK    | ???                        |

       Tests sometimes rely on certain environment variables being defined.
       For example, certain tests assume that MYSQL_TEST is defined so that
       mysqltest can invoke itself with exec $MYSQL_TEST.

       mysql-test-run.pl supports the options in the following list. An
       argument of -- tells mysql-test-run.pl not to process any following
       arguments as options. (A description of differences between the options
       supported by mysql-test-run.pl and mysql-test-run appears following the

       o   --help, -h

           Display a help message and exit.

       o   --bench

           Run the benchmark suite.

       o   --benchdir=path

           The directory where the benchmark suite is located. The default
           path is ../../mysql-bench.

       o   --big-test

           Pass the --big-test option to mysqltest.

       o   --check-testcases

           Check test cases for side effects.

       o   --client-bindir

           The path to the directory where client binaries are located. This
           option was added in MySQL 5.0.66/5.1.27.

       o   --client-ddd

           Start mysqltest in the ddd debugger.

       o   --client-debugger

           Start mysqltest in the named debugger.

       o   --client-gdb

           Start mysqltest in the gdb debugger.

       o   --client-libdir

           The path to the directory where client libraries are located. This
           option was added in MySQL 5.0.66/5.1.27.

       o   --combination=value

           Extra options to pass to mysqld. The value should consist of one or
           more comma-separated mysqld options. This option is similar to
           --mysqld but should be given two or more times.  mysql-test-run.pl
           executes multiple test runs, using the options for each instance of
           --combination in successive runs. If --combination is given only
           once, it has no effect. For test runs specific to a given test
           suite, an alternative to the use of --combination is to create a
           combinations file in the suite directory. The file should contain a
           section of options for each test run. See Section 4.9, "Passing
           Options from mysql-test-run.pl to mysqld or mysqltest".

           This option was added in MySQL 5.1.23/6.0.4.

       o   --comment=str

           Write str to the output.

       o   --compress

           Compress all information sent between the client and the server if
           both support compression.

       o   --cursor-protocol

           Pass the --cursor-protocol option to mysqltest (implies

       o   --ddd

           Start mysqld in the ddd debugger.

       o   --debug

           Dump trace output for all clients and servers.

       o   --debugger

           Start mysqld using the named debugger.

       o   --debug-sync-timeout=N

           Controls whether the Debug Sync facility for testing and debugging
           is enabled. The option value is a timeout in seconds. The default
           value is 300. A value of 0 disables Debug Sync. The value of this
           option also becomes the default timeout for individual
           synchronization points.

           mysql-test-run.pl passes --loose-debug-sync-timeout=N to mysqld.
           The --loose prefix is used so that mysqld does not fail if Debug
           Sync is not compiled in.

           For information about using the Debug Sync facility for testing,
           see Section 4.14, "Thread Synchronization in Test Cases".

           This option was added in MySQL 6.0.6.

       o   --do-test=prefix

           Run all test cases having a name that begins with the given prefix
           value. This option provides a convenient way to run a family of
           similarly named tests.

           As of MySQL 5.0.54/5.1.23/6.0.5, the argument for the --do-test
           option allows more flexible specification of which tests to
           perform. If the argument contains a pattern metacharacter other
           than a lone period, it is interpreted as a Perl regular expression
           and applies to test names that match the pattern. If the argument
           contains a lone period or does not contain any pattern
           metacharacters, it is interpreted the same way as previously and
           matches test names that begin with the argument value. For example,
           --do-test=testa matches tests that begin with testa,
           --do-test=main.testa matches tests in the main test suite that
           begin with testa, and --do-test=main.*testa matches test names that
           contain main followed by testa with anything in between. In the
           latter case, the pattern match is not anchored to the beginning of
           the test name, so it also matches names such as xmainytestz.

       o   --embedded-server

           Use a version of mysqltest built with the embedded server.

       o   --experimental=file_name

           Specify a file that contains a list of test cases that should be
           displayed with the [ exp-fail ] code rather than [ fail ] if they
           fail. This option was added in MySQL 5.1.33/6.0.11.

       o   --extern

           Use an already running server.

           Note: If a test case has an .opt file that requires the server to
           be restarted with specific options, the file will not be used. The
           test case likely will fail as a result.

       o   --fast

           Do not clean up from earlier test runs.

       o   --force

           Normally, mysql-test-run.pl exits if a test case fails.  --force
           causes execution to continue regardless of test case failure.

       o   --gcov

           Run tests with the gcov test coverage tool.

       o   --gdb

           Start mysqld in the gdb debugger.

       o   --gprof

           Run tests with the gprof profiling tool.

       o   --im-mysqld1-port

           TCP/IP port number to use for the first mysqld, controlled by
           Instance Manager.

       o   --im-mysqld2-port

           TCP/IP port number to use for the second mysqld, controlled by
           Instance Manager.

       o   --im-port

           TCP/IP port number to use for mysqld, controlled by Instance

       o   --log-warnings

           Pass the --log-warnings option to mysqld.

       o   --manual-debug

           Use a server that has already been started by the user in a

       o   --manual-gdb

           Use a server that has already been started by the user in the gdb

       o   --master-binary=path

           Specify the path of the mysqld binary to use for master servers.

       o   --master_port=port_num

           Specify the TCP/IP port number for the first master server to use.
           Observe that the option name has an underscore and not a dash.

       o   --mem

           Run the test suite in memory, using tmpfs or ramdisk. This can
           decrease test times significantly.  mysql-test-run.pl attempts to
           find a suitable location using a built-in list of standard
           locations for tmpfs and puts the var directory there. This option
           also affects placement of temporary files, which are created in

           The default list includes /dev/shm. You can also enable this option
           by setting the environment variable MTR_MEM[=dir_name]. If dir_name
           is given, it is added to the beginning of the list of locations to
           search, so it takes precedence over any built-in locations.

           This option was added in MySQL 4.1.22, 5.0.30, and 5.1.13.

       o   --mysqld=value

           Extra options to pass to mysqld. The value should consist of one or
           more comma-separated mysqld options. See Section 4.9, "Passing
           Options from mysql-test-run.pl to mysqld or mysqltest".

       o   --mysqltest=value

           Extra options to pass to mysqltest. The value should consist of one
           or more comma-separated mysqltest options. See Section 4.9,
           "Passing Options from mysql-test-run.pl to mysqld or mysqltest".
           This option was added in MySQL 6.0.6.

       o   --ndb-connectstring=str

           Pass --ndb-connectstring=str to the master MySQL server. This
           option also prevents mysql-test-run.pl from starting a cluster. It
           is assumed that there is already a cluster running to which the
           server can connect with the given connectstring.

       o   --ndb-connectstring-slave=str

           Pass --ndb-connectstring=str to slave MySQL servers. This option
           also prevents mysql-test-run.pl from starting a cluster. It is
           assumed that there is already a cluster running to which the server
           can connect with the given connectstring.

       o   --ndb-extra-test


       o   --ndbcluster-port=port_num, --ndbcluster_port=port_num

           Specify the TCP/IP port number that NDB Cluster should use.

       o   --ndbcluster-port-slave=port_num

           Specify the TCP/IP port number that the slave NDB Cluster should

       o   --netware

           Run mysqld with options needed on NetWare.

       o   --notimer

           Cause mysqltest not to generate a timing file.

       o   --ps-protocol

           Pass the --ps-protocol option to mysqltest.

       o   --record

           Pass the --record option to mysqltest. This option requires a
           specific test case to be named on the command line.

       o   --reorder

           Reorder tests to minimize the number of server restarts needed.

       o   --report-features

           Display the output of SHOW ENGINES and SHOW VARIABLES. This can be
           used to verify that binaries are built with all required features.

           This option was added in MySQL 4.1.23, 5.0.30, and 5.1.14.

       o   --script-debug

           Enable debug output for mysql-test-run.pl itself.

       o   --skip-im

           Do not start Instance Manager; skip Instance Manager test cases.

       o   --skip-master-binlog

           Do not enable master server binary logging.

       o   --skip-ndbcluster, --skip-ndb

           Do not start NDB Cluster; skip Cluster test cases.

       o   --skip-ndbcluster-slave, --skip-ndb-slave

           Do not start an NDB Cluster slave.

       o   --skip-rpl

           Skip replication test cases.

       o   --skip-slave-binlog

           Do not enable master server binary logging.

       o   --skip-ssl

           Do not start mysqld with support for SSL connections.

       o   --skip-test=regex

           Specify a regular expression to be applied to test case names.
           Cases with names that match the expression are skipped. tests to

           As of MySQL 5.0.54/5.1.23/6.0.5, the argument for the --skip-test
           option allows more flexible specification of which tests to skip.
           If the argument contains a pattern metacharacter other than a lone
           period, it is interpreted as a Perl regular expression and applies
           to test names that match the pattern. See the description of the
           --do-test option for details.

       o   --skip-*

           --skip-* options not otherwise recognized by mysql-test-run.pl are
           passed to the master server.

       o   --slave-binary=path

           Specify the path of the mysqld binary to use for slave servers.

       o   --slave_port=port_num

           Specify the TCP/IP port number for the first master server to use.
           Observe that the option name has an underscore and not a dash.

       o   --sleep=N

           Pass --sleep=N to mysqltest.

       o   --small-bench

           Run the benchmarks with the --small-tests and --small-tables

       o   --socket=file_name

           For connections to localhost, the Unix socket file to use, or, on
           Windows, the name of the named pipe to use.

       o   --sp-protocol

           Pass the --sp-protocol option to mysqltest.

       o   --ssl

           If mysql-test-run.pl is started with the --ssl option, it sets up a
           secure conection for all test cases. In this case, if mysqld does
           not support SSL, mysql-test-run.pl exits with an error message:
           Couldn't find support for SSL

       o   --start

           Initialize and start servers with the startup settings for the
           first specified test case. For example:

               shell> cd mysql-test
               shell> ./mysql-test-run.pl --start alias &

           This option was added in MySQL 5.1.32/6.0.11.

       o   --start-and-exit

           Initialize and start servers with the startup settings for the
           specified test case or cases, if any, and then exit. You can use
           this option to start a server to which you can connect later. For
           example, after building a source distribution you can start a
           server and connect to it with the mysql client like this:

               shell> cd mysql-test
               shell> ./mysql-test-run.pl --start-and-exit
               shell> ../mysql -S ./var/tmp/master.sock -h localhost -u root

       o   --start-dirty

           Start servers (without initialization) for the specified test case
           or cases, if any, and then exit. You can then manually run the test

       o   --start-from=test_name

           mysql-test-run.pl sorts the list of names of the test cases to be
           run, and then begins with test_name.

       o   --strace-client

           Create strace output for mysqltest.

       o   --stress

           Run the stress test. The other --stress-xxx options apply in this

       o   --stress-init-file=file_name

           file_name is the location of the file that contains the list of
           tests. The default file is stress_init.txt in the test suite

       o   --stress-loop-count=N

           In sequential stress-test mode, the number of loops to execute
           before exiting.

       o   --stress-mode=mode

           This option indicates the test order in stress-test mode. The mode
           value is either random to select tests in random order or seq to
           run tests in each thread in the order specified in the test list
           file. The default mode is random.

       o   --stress-suite=suite_name

           The name of the test suite to use for stress testing. The default
           suite name is main (the regular test suite located in the
           mysql-test directory).

       o   --stress-test-count=N

           For stress testing, the number of tests to execute before exiting.

       o   --stress-test-duration=N

           For stress testing, the duration of stress testing in seconds.

       o   --stress-test-file=file_name

           The file that contains the list of tests to use in stress testing.
           The tests should be named without the .test extension. The default
           file is stress_tests.txt in the test suite directory.

       o   --stress-threads=N

           The number of threads to use in stress testing. The default is 5.

       o   --suite=suite_name

           Run the named test suite. The default name is main (the regular
           test suite located in the mysql-test directory).

       o   --suite-timeout=minutes

           Specify the maximum test suite runtime.

       o   --testcase-timeout

           Specify the maximum test case runtime.

       o   --timer

           Cause mysqltest to generate a timing file. The default file is
           named ./var/log/timer.

       o   --tmpdir=path

           The directory where temporary file are stored. The default location
           is ./var/tmp.

       o   --unified-diff, --udiff

           Use unified diff format when presenting differences between
           expected and actual test case results.

       o   --use-old-data

           Do not install the test databases. (Use existing ones.)

       o   --user-test=val


       o   --user=user_name

           The MySQL user name to use when connecting to the server.

       o   --valgrind

           Run mysqltest and mysqld with valgrind.

       o   --valgrind-all

           Like --valgrind, but passes the --verbose and --show-reachable
           options to valgrind.

       o   --valgrind-mysqltest

           Run mysqltest with valgrind.

       o   --valgrind-mysqltest-all

           Like --valgrind-mysqltest, but passes the --verbose and
           --show-reachable options to valgrind.

       o   --valgrind-options=str

           Extra options to pass to valgrind.

       o   --valgrind-path=path

           Specify the path name to the valgrind executable.

       o   --vardir=path

           Specify the path where files generated during the test run are
           stored. The default location is ./var.

       o   --view-protocol

           Pass the --view-protocol option to mysqltest.

       o   --vs-config=config_val

           Specify the configuration used to build MySQL (for example,
           --vs-config=debug --vs-config=release). This option is for Windows
           only. It is available as of MySQL 4.1.23, 5.0.30, and 5.1.14.

       o   --wait-timeout=N


       o   --warnings

           This option is a synonym for --log-warnings.

       o   --with-ndbcluster

           Use NDB Cluster and enable test cases that require it.

       o   --with-ndbcluster-all

           Use NDB Cluster in all tests.

       o   --with-ndbcluster-only

           Run only test cases that have ndb in their name.

       o   --with-ndbcluster-slave


       o   --with-openssl

           This option is a synonym for --ssl.

           mysql-test-run supports the following options not supported by
           mysql-test-run.pl: --local, --local-master, --ndb-verbose,
           --ndb_mgm-extra-opts, --ndb_mgmd-extra-opts, --ndbd-extra-opts,
           --old-master, --purify, --use-old-data, --valgrind-mysqltest-all.

           Conversely, mysql-test-run.pl supports the following options not
           supported by mysql-test-run: --benchdir, --check-testcases,
           --client-ddd, --client-debugger, --cursor-protocol, --debugger,
           --im-mysqld1-port, --im-mysqld2-port, --im-port, --manual-debug,
           --netware, --notimer, --reorder, --script-debug, --skip-im,
           --skip-ssl, --sp-protocol, --start-dirty, --suite, --suite-timeout,
           --testcase-timeout, --udiff, --unified-diff,, --valgrind-path,
           --vardir, --view-protocol.

       Copyright 2007-2008 MySQL AB, 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.

       This documentation is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
       modify it only under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
       published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.

       This documentation is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
       but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
       General Public License for more details.

       You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
       with the program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
       51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA or see

       See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:

       |Availability   | database/mysql-51 |
       |Stability      | Uncommitted       |
        1. Typical configure Options

       For more information, please refer to the MySQL Reference Manual, which
       may already be installed locally and which is also available online at

       Sun Microsystems, Inc. (http://www.mysql.com/).

       This software was built from source available at
       https://java.net/projects/solaris-userland.  The original community
       source was downloaded from

       Further information about this software can be found on the open source
       community website at http://dev.mysql.com/.
