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更新: 2016年12月6日

git-merge-file (1)


git-merge-file - way file merge


git merge-file [-L <current-name> [-L <base-name> [-L <other-name>]]]
[--ours|--theirs|--union] [-p|--stdout] [-q|--quiet] [--marker-size=<n>]
<current-file> <base-file> <other-file>


GIT-MERGE-FILE(1)                 Git Manual                 GIT-MERGE-FILE(1)

       git-merge-file - Run a three-way file merge

       git merge-file [-L <current-name> [-L <base-name> [-L <other-name>]]]
               [--ours|--theirs|--union] [-p|--stdout] [-q|--quiet] [--marker-size=<n>]
               <current-file> <base-file> <other-file>

       git merge-file incorporates all changes that lead from the <base-file>
       to <other-file> into <current-file>. The result ordinarily goes into
       <current-file>. git merge-file is useful for combining separate changes
       to an original. Suppose <base-file> is the original, and both
       <current-file> and <other-file> are modifications of <base-file>, then
       git merge-file combines both changes.

       A conflict occurs if both <current-file> and <other-file> have changes
       in a common segment of lines. If a conflict is found, git merge-file
       normally outputs a warning and brackets the conflict with lines
       containing <<<<<<< and >>>>>>> markers. A typical conflict will look
       like this:

           <<<<<<< A
           lines in file A
           lines in file B
           >>>>>>> B

       If there are conflicts, the user should edit the result and delete one
       of the alternatives. When --ours, --theirs, or --union option is in
       effect, however, these conflicts are resolved favouring lines from
       <current-file>, lines from <other-file>, or lines from both
       respectively. The length of the conflict markers can be given with the
       --marker-size option.

       The exit value of this program is negative on error, and the number of
       conflicts otherwise. If the merge was clean, the exit value is 0.

       git merge-file is designed to be a minimal clone of RCS merge; that is,
       it implements all of RCS merge's functionality which is needed by

       -L <label>
           This option may be given up to three times, and specifies labels to
           be used in place of the corresponding file names in conflict
           reports. That is, git merge-file -L x -L y -L z a b c generates
           output that looks like it came from files x, y and z instead of
           from files a, b and c.

           Send results to standard output instead of overwriting

           Quiet; do not warn about conflicts.

       --ours, --theirs, --union
           Instead of leaving conflicts in the file, resolve conflicts
           favouring our (or their or both) side of the lines.

       git merge-file README.my README README.upstream
           combines the changes of README.my and README.upstream since README,
           tries to merge them and writes the result into README.my.

       git merge-file -L a -L b -L c tmp/a123 tmp/b234 tmp/c345
           merges tmp/a123 and tmp/c345 with the base tmp/b234, but uses
           labels a and c instead of tmp/a123 and tmp/c345.

       Part of the git(1) suite

       See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:

       |Availability   | developer/versioning/git |
       |Stability      | Uncommitted              |
       This software was built from source available at
       https://java.net/projects/solaris-userland.  The original community
       source was downloaded from  http://git-

       Further information about this software can be found on the open source
       community website at http://git-scm.com/.

Git                       02/22/2012                 GIT-MERGE-FILE(1)