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更新: 2016年12月6日

gvmap (1)


gvmap - ters.


gvmap [-ekv?]  [ options ] [ -o outfile ] [ files ]


GVMAP(1)                    General Commands Manual                   GVMAP(1)

       gvmap  - find clusters and create a geographical map highlighting clus-

       gvmap [-ekv?]  [ options ] [ -o outfile ] [ files ]

       gvmap takes as input a graph in DOT format,  finds  node  clusters  and
       produces a rendering of the graph as a geographic-style map, with clus-
       ters highlighted, in xdot format.

       The input graph must have node positions and  width/height  information
       defined, and nodes must not overlap.

       The following options are supported:

       -a k   The  integer k specifies the average number of artificial points
              added along the bounding box  of  the  labels.  Such  artificial
              points are added to avoid a country boundary cutting through the
              boundary box of the labels. Computing time is proportional to k;
              hence, for large graphs, a small value of k is suggested. If k =
              -1, a suitable value of k is automatically selected based on the
              graph size. By default k = -1.

       -b v   The  real  number  v  specifies  the line width used to draw the
              polygon boundaries, with v < 0 for no line. By default v = 0.

       -c k   The integer k specifies color scheme used  to  color  the  coun-
              tries. By default k = 1.

          Acceptable values are:
                 0 : no polygons
                 1 : pastel
                 2 : blue to yellow
                 3 : white to red
                 4 : light grey to red
                 5 : primary colors
                 6 : sequential single hue red
                 7 : sequential single hue lighter red
                 8 : light grey

       -C d   The  integer  d  specifies the maximum number of clusters (coun-
              tries) allowed. By default d = 0, which means that there  is  no

       -d d   The  integer  d  specifies  the  random  seed  used during color
              assignment optimization that maximize color  difference  between
              neighbpring countries.

       -e     If specified, edges will be included in the final output.

       -g c   Specifies  the  bounding box color. If not specified, a bounding
              box is not drawn.

       -k     If specified, increases the randomesss of outer boundary.

       -r k   The number of random points k (integer) used to define  sea  and
              lake boundaries. If 0, auto assigned. By default v = 0

       -s v   The real number v specifies the depth of the sea and lake shores
              in points. If 0, auto assigned. By default v = 0.

       -O     Do NOT do color assignment  optimization  that  maximizes  color
              difference between neighboring countries

              Put output in <file>. Default output is stdout

       -v     Verbose mode.

       -z c   Specified the polygon line color. Default is black.

       Given  a  graph  foo.gv, one way to generate a layout and highlight the
       clusters is to first select a layout engine  with  a  suitable  overlap
       removal  method,  then feed the output to gvmap, and finally render the
       map using specific graphics format. For example, the following pipeline
       creates  a map with edges in semi-transparent light gray and nodes laid
       out using sfdp:

       sfdp -Goverlap=prism foo.gv | gvmap -e |  neato  -n2  -Ecolor=#55555522
       -Tpng > foo.png

       The  shell script gvmap.sh provides a shorthand for such pipelines. For
       example, the above pipeline can be achieved using

       gvmap.sh -Ae -Ecolor=#55555522 -Tpng foo.gv > foo.png

       Yifan Hu <yifanhu@research.att.com>

       See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:

       |Availability   | image/graphviz   |
       |Stability      | Volatile         |
       gvmap.sh(1), sfdp(1), neato(1), gvpr(1)

       E. R. Gansner, Y. Hu, S. G. Kobourov,  "GMap:  Visualizing  graphs  and
       clusters as maps," Proc. Pacific Vis. 2010, pp. 201-208.

       This     software     was    built    from    source    available    at
       https://java.net/projects/solaris-userland.   The  original   community
       source  was  downloaded from  http://www.graphviz.org/pub/graphviz/sta-

       Further information about this software can be found on the open source
       community website at http://www.graphviz.org/.

                                 3 March 2011                         GVMAP(1)